MPE & CB Ocio

It is becoming increasingly necessary to execute projects in a comprehensive, integrated way to avoid neglecting any key aspect in their future development, thus guaranteeing the viability and profitability in the medium and long term.

MPE has collaborated with CB Ocio since its founding. Together, the two enterprises form a complete team that can generate optimum creativity, design and building solutions, as well as solutions to ensure the validation, financial viability and operational functionality of the projects undertaken.

MPE, founded by FERNANDO QUENARD and IGNACIO BRIEVA, provides advising and consulting services in the leisure field to large companies; the firm also specializes in the creation and design of major events.

CB Ocio, a company with extensive experience in the industry, stands out because of its proven quality and recognition in the design of parks and studies of technical implementations and financial viability. Its managing partner is CECILIO CAPARRINI, agricultural engineer, who has worked for more than 30 years as General Manager of Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (Madrid Amusement Park), and General Manager of the Grupo Parques Reunidos.

Among the projects delivered by the two companies, an outstanding one is the creation of a new concept called: “performance/attractions” such as: El Pasaje del Terror, Terror on Church Street, Hollywood Cars and Río Rápido (Fast River), among others, as well as the design, production and execution of theme parks such as: Delta Garden, Parque Dinópolis (Dinopolis Park), Parque Pirenarium (Pyrenarium Park) and Parque Senda Viva (Live Trail Park), in addition to various projects for the Grupo Parques Reunidos.