Ecuador Park

We at MPE are pleased that Mr. Ricardo Mórtola, an architect with extensive experience in the fields of urban development and sports architecture, has established contact with us. Mr. Mórtola is General Manager of the Estudio de Arquitectura Ricardo Mórtola S. A., and is the designer of the most important stadiums in Ecuador built and remodeled in the last 15 years. In addition to other sports facilities, he and his team have done the planning and architectural management of countless apartment buildings, public service buildings, housing developments, and divisions into plots in the Andean country.

The objective of this initial contact is to collaborate and lend support and assistance to one of the projects that Mr. Mórtola is developing these days in Ecuador.

A Proposal for the Territorial Organization and Conceptual Design of a Metropolitan Park in Guayaquil

‘Central Park’ in Los Samanes

Mr. Mórtola’s project seeks to make Samanes the largest sports park in Latin America, with more than 100 courts in one place.

His design also includes the construction of an artificial beach for some 25 thousand swimmers, the creation of a performance space that will seat 150 thousand spectators, and the implementation of a 40,000-square-meter area for contemplating nature and a 70,000-square-meter space devoted to educational museums.

150,000 square meters are allotted to exhibitions, theaters and other artistic and cultural activities.

The plan envisions the use of alternative electric energy to supply all the facilities with power.

We are confident that this initial contact will bear fruit, and that our collaboration may extend to both parties’ future projects.